Ordered Time2024-04-29 08:46:26
Customer Namedana
IO Numbermultiple
Sales RepBrenda Jorgens
Sales Rep Number0601
Sales Rep Emailbrenda.jorgens@bainbridgereview.com
Additional Instructionsfor dana's tab on stickers we have the correct adline descriptions for each day now! But some of the location codes are still listed as preprint. so please change the following from preprint to tab-on" 2765838 for 6/7 and 8/9 2765839 for 6/21 and 8/2 and 8/23 2765840 for 8/30 some of the location codes are listed as "postit" instead of tab-on. We've always used tab-on for location code, so we should change this to tab-on also. It is ad number 2765829 for all five dates using that ad number. I know these tab on IOs are so frustrating and it seems we have had to go back and forth a lot. thanks for sticking with me and I think this will finally have everything correct with this final edit.

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